My passion took me all the way to the 2022 MasterChef UK kitchen where I finished in the Top 6 as a Semi-finalist.
Figure out your purpose and passion and align with them.
Don’t be afraid of tough questions like, “what makes me happy?” And…
Never apologise for following your dreams
Which doors will you walk through?
‘What was it like in the MasterChef UK kitchen?’ This is a question I get asked all the time.
And my answer is …. some dreams come true because we dared to dream; others come true because we dared to embrace an unexpected opportunity.
The MasterChef opportunity was unexpected but it was the most exhilarating experience of my life and I am glad for the day that I walked through the door into the MasterChef kitchen. 2022 has been a year like no other because of MasterChef UK.
“My education began with my father and his lessons continues reverberating today”
—Olayemi Adelekan—
When I was ten...
My dad bought me a Polka Dot Dress and three decades later, it became the title of my first book.
“Flying High In A Polka Dot Dress” started out as a dream, nurtured by my parents and today it has become my reality.
Polka Dots were part of my journey in the MasterChef UK 2022 kitchen.
Improve yourself at every opportunity
Two books that my father bought for my brother and me when we were both under the age of ten were: ‘A Guide To Confident Living’ and ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale. I remember flipping through the pages and wondering why there were no pictures in the books.
Something about the titles struck me and I concluded that for my father to buy the books, ‘confident living’ and ‘positive thinking’ must be very important. I have tried to live my life demonstrating both values.
To be your best self, you must be willing to keep learning, unlearning, relearning and growing. That is why I am passionate about continuously improving myself and helping you to do so.